5 reasons No-Code Business App Builders can Boost Team Productivity

May 10, 2023

As businesses seek to optimise operations and drive innovation, no-code platforms are emerging as a powerful tool for enhancing productivity. These platforms enable users to build custom business apps without writing a line of code, resulting in increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved agility.

In this article, we'll explore 5 reasons why no-code app builders can help your business thrive.

1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

The use of no-code tools empowers teams to create custom systems that align with their internal business processes. This tailored approach naturally drives productivity gains, as employees can leverage business apps that are designed to meet their exact requirements, streamlining their workflows and boosting overall efficiency. When considering building your own app(s) or outsourcing to a developer for a custom code solution, development speed is a crucial strategic factor to consider. No-code tools provide a distinct advantage, enabling businesses to launch more internal business apps quickly, efficiently, and with custom specifications.

2. Cost Saving

Custom coding is generally more expensive than no-code development because it requires specialised skills and expertise, such as programming languages and database management. Skilled Developers command higher salaries due to their specialised knowledge and the time it takes to create custom code from scratch.

Noloco saved me lots of time and money because I could build everything myself..

As a non-technical Founder, I was amazed by how much I was able to create on my own and without the help of expensive resources such as developers or interaction designers

- Björn Audunn Blöndal, Co-Founder of Pressworks

3. Time Saving

Since no-code platforms require less specialised expertise and fewer resources, they tend to be more cost-effective than building applications with custom code. In addition to this, No-code platform providers handle much of the maintenance and upkeep required to keep an application running smoothly, reducing the burden on IT teams.

Within two weeks, I had a working solution on Noloco.

Building our platform with developers would have taken us around 6 to 8 months, maybe even a year. Thankfully I was able to build everything we needed within 2 weeks.

- Roku Benz, Co-Founder of Creobase

4. Empowering Non-technical Users

The most exciting development of all is the fact that more and more people are now realising they have the power to build internal systems that precisely meet their requirements to perform at their job. Thanks to the no-code movement, we're democratising the power of app development at organisations. The term "citizen developer" was first coined in a 2010 article by Gartner analyst Paul Kimmel, titled "Empowering Citizen Developers to Solve the IT Shortage." The term refers to individuals within an organisation who create or customise business applications for their own use or for the use of others within their organisation, without formal training in software development. According to Gartner, By 2024, developers outside of formal IT departments (citizen developers) will account for at least 80% of the user base for LCNC technology/tools, up from 60% in 2021 .[Source: Gartner]

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5. Meeting the Demand for Apps

Most IT teams face a long, growing list of priorities to tackle, but thanks to low-code/no-code platforms, the IT backlog is reduced by enabling non-technical users to create their own apps. Initially there can be a learning curve for non-technical users, but these users benefit from growing their own skill sets and taking a more central role in application development. They are empowered to transform their own ideas into applications that help solve key business problems.

The Final Takeaway 💭 💡

No-code platforms are revolutionising the way businesses build apps, streamlining processes, and boosting productivity. By reducing reliance on IT teams for app development, non-technical users can take the lead, creating custom solutions that meet their needs, while IT teams can focus on high-value tasks. This democratisation of app development is not just a trend; it's the future of software. It's time to embrace no-code tools and unlock the productivity potential they offer