Add Comments to Any Record in Your Noloco App

Collect essential data easily within your business app
Customize forms to suit your business and increase functionallity

Introducing Record Comments

What can I do with record comments in Noloco?

Our built-in record comments allow you, your users and your teammates to add comments to any record in the Noloco app regardless of data source.

Record comments in Noloco - no-code Airtable app builder

Easy collaboration

Mentions & notifications

You can mention any of your app users when leaving a comment.

When a new comment is added, mentioned users and those in the conversation will get notified by email & in-app notification, directly linking to the relevant record.

Record comments in Noloco - no-code Airtable app builder

Comment formatting

Rich-text formatting & attachments

You can format your message with bold, italic or code text, as well as links.

You can also attach files as you want to your comments which will then be displayed inline.

Record comments in Noloco - no-code Airtable app builder

STay in the loop

Follow updates on a record

You can subscribe to follow comments on any record, so even if you haven't yet engaged you can stay in the loop.

Simply click the bell icon on any record, and you'll be instantly notified of new comments. Perfect for when you want to stay informed without directly engaging.

Record comments in Noloco - no-code Airtable app builder

Internal notes

Internal-only notes

There are often instances where we would like to ask questions or share thoughts on a task internally without the client being able to see them.

Add internal notes that remain exclusively visible to those with the 'Team Member' role attribute, ensuring private team collaboration remains just that - private.

Record comments in Noloco - no-code Airtable app builder