5 Things Your Client Portal Needs in 2024

April 25, 2024


So, you’ve got a client portal, or maybe you’re thinking of setting one up. Here’s the deal for 2024: make it easy, make it quick, and make it feel like it’s made just for your client. Here are the five things you've got to have:

1. Work Together in Real Time

Ever edited a document at the same time as someone else online? It’s pretty cool, right? Your client portal should let you do that with everything. No waiting, no confusion—just you and your client fixing things up together, no matter where you are.

2. Make It Personal

Your portal should know your clients like their best buddy does. It should say "Hey!" with their name on it, show them stuff they actually care about, and not bother them with things they don’t need. If Netflix can guess what you want to watch, your portal can do this.

3. Easy-Peasy Security

Keeping things safe online is super important, but nobody wants to solve a puzzle every time they log in. Your portal needs the tough security stuff, sure, but make it feel as easy as unlocking your phone.

4. Use It Anywhere

Everyone’s on their phone these days, so your portal has to work on those small screens just as well as on a computer. No squinting, no pinching the screen to zoom in—just tap and go.

5. Quick Feedback Loop

Last one here: your portal should make it super simple for clients to tell you what’s working and what’s not. Think of it like a quick chat where they can drop in suggestions, and you can actually use them to make things better.


So there you have it. Your client portal needs to be a place where work feels a bit less like work. Keep it friendly, keep it smart, and always keep it about your client. Stick to these five points, and you’ll be golden.

Still looking for the perfect Client Portal? One that you can customize as much as you want? Try Noloco for free