Expert Spotlight: Ben and Dan of Automation Helpers

May 22, 2024

Today, we're excited to spotlight Ben and Dan, the visionary founders of Automation Helpers and strategic partners of Noloco. You might already know Dan Leeman from his awesome YouTube content or Ben from one of our past webinars, but if not, get ready to meet the dynamic duo. In this post, we delve into their journey through the evolving world of no-code technology and discover how they are revolutionising business operations across industries.

🚀 Roots in AI, Growth in No-Code

Ben and Dan's foray into no-code technology first stemmed from their backgrounds in pioneering AI and software development, eventually leading to the birth of Automation Helpers. With a keen eye on inefficiencies in traditional business processes, they recognized the transformative potential of no-code solutions. "Leveraging our experience in executing digital transformation projects for large enterprises, we saw firsthand how implementing automation in small and medium businesses could have a greater, more tangible impact—putting money back in business owners' pockets and helping them scale and grow," explains Dan. Their journey from AI enthusiasts to no-code pioneers reflects a natural progression towards making technology accessible and effective for all businesses, irrespective of size.

💡 Automation Helpers: Custom Tech Consultancy for All

Since its inception, Automation Helpers has been dedicated to transforming businesses through innovative no-code solutions. "Our mission was clear from the start: to democratize technology and make it a lever for growth, especially for SMEs that might not have extensive technical resources," says Ben. The consultancy has flourished under their leadership, becoming a beacon for businesses looking to embrace digital transformation without the complexity traditionally associated with it.

🔑 Noloco’s Role in Their Journey

Noloco has significantly enhanced the services Automation Helpers offer their clients, particularly with internal portals. Many businesses with large groups of contractors or complex projects now benefit from its versatility. The platform's advanced filtering capabilities improve user experience and security, while its ability to connect multiple data sources ensures organized and scalable data structures.

"Noloco’s powerful filtering and data integration features have transformed how we deliver solutions to our clients, making our projects more efficient and secure," explains Ben.

👥 A Client-Centric Approach: The Heart of Their Operation

Automation Helpers prides itself on truly understanding the requirements of its clients. "We have conversations with our clients to understand their needs and can cycle through in our head, hey, of these 10 different platforms we work with, here's why I think this is going to work for you," explains Dan. The company takes a consultative approach, diving deep to comprehend each client's unique operational challenges and industry. Leveraging their extensive experience with various technologies, Automation Helpers advocates for the platform best suited to address the client's specific requirements and solve their business problems. By being technology agnostic, Automation Helpers focuses on delivering value to clients regardless of the solution involved.

🔄 Looking Ahead: The Future of No-Code with Automation Helpers

As they look to the future, Ben and Dan are optimistic about the booming internal tools market and the evolution of no-code technologies. Dan observes, "The convergence of companies entering the space and building new features is driving healthy competition. We're seeing major players pivot towards enterprise solutions, and investments from Microsoft and Google are pushing the boundaries of what these tools can achieve."

Automation Helpers and Noloco are at the forefront of this movement, leveraging AI to streamline the app-building experience and make it more accessible. "Companies that harness AI to improve the onboarding process and aid in creation, rather than overhyping its capabilities, will see significant benefits," Dan adds.

Partnering with Automation Helpers and Noloco: Your Path to Digital Transformation

Interested in discovering what no-code can do for your business? Reach out to learn how Automation Helpers and Noloco can empower you to tailor technology solutions that meet your specific operational needs and drive significant business growth.

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