Should I Adopt a Single-App or Multi-App Strategy on Noloco?

September 11, 2023


Choosing the right strategy for your business applications is a crucial decision. One of the questions we often encounter at Noloco is whether a single-app or a multi-app strategy is the right way to go. Oftentimes, people coming from a multi-base world, don’t realise Noloco excels in a consolidated environment. This article delves into the pros and cons of both, highlighting why, in most cases, a single-app strategy is the superior choice.

Pros of a Single-App Strategy

Centralised Data Source

1. Centralised Management

Having a single database or spreadsheet connected to your Noloco app provides a centralised 'source of truth.' This unified approach makes data management easier and ensures consistent data across various functionalities within the app.


2. Data Integrity

With all your data coming from a single source, you eliminate the risk of data discrepancies that can occur when you have multiple databases for different apps.

3. Scalability

With one application connected to multiple databases you need only build one front-end UI, and leverage the advanced personalisation features Noloco offers to dynamically change what the Logged in User sees. Resulting in a much easier administration experience for the app builder. 

Advanced Personalisation Features

1. User Roles & Permissions

Noloco's built-in features allow for the creation of multiple user roles with different permission rules. You can decide who gets access to what, ensuring that employees or clients only access the data and pages relevant to their role.

2. Visibility Settings & Filters

You can employ clever filters and visibility settings to fine-tune what each user sees, thereby maintaining data privacy and also enhancing the user experience by showing only the most relevant information.

Maintenance Efficiency

1. Simplified Updates

With all your data stored in a single app, updates become more manageable. You only have to change data in one place, rather than in each of your databases and/or connected apps.

2. Reduced Risk

The risk of errors decreases dramatically when you're maintaining one database and one application instead of multiple, reducing both operational risk and potential downtime.

Cons of a Multi-App Strategy

Fragmented Data & Design

1. Data Inconsistency

Multiple databases in different apps can lead to conflicting information, making it a challenge to determine which data set is the most accurate.


2. Complicated Data Analysis

With data spread across multiple platforms, aggregating it for comprehensive analysis becomes a challenging endeavour.

Complexity and Maintenance

1. Additional Workload

Managing multiple apps with multiple databases is not just cumbersome but also resource-intensive. Each app requires its own set of updates, security measures, and maintenance schedules, increasing your workload exponentially.

2. High Error Risk

The chances of something going wrong increase with every additional app and database, whether it's data corruption, user access issues, or maintenance errors.

Why a Single-App Strategy is Often Better

A single-app strategy in Noloco offers advantages in terms of operational efficiency, ease of maintenance, and the power of customisation. You get to harness the robust features of Noloco to control every aspect of user interaction and data management from a centralised platform. This not only eliminates the disadvantages of data fragmentation but also empowers you with fine-grained control over your application's behaviour.

Focus on What Matters

With a single app, you can focus your energy on improving and iterating on one product rather than spreading your resources thin across multiple platforms. This is especially beneficial for smaller teams where focus and rapid iteration can make or break the success of an application.


For the vast majority of Noloco users, the single-app strategy tends to be the wiser choice. It simplifies data management, allows for highly customised user experiences, and eases the maintenance burden on IT teams. The single-app approach also better leverages Noloco's advanced features like user roles, permissions, and visibility settings, giving you nuanced control over your app. 

While there may be specific instances where a multi-app strategy could be beneficial, in nine out of ten cases, the single-app strategy is the optimal way to harness the power and flexibility that Noloco offers.