One of our biggest updates yet! You can now add formula fields to Noloco Collections, Google Sheets & Airtable collections in Noloco. This will enable calculating a value based on the other values on a record. Check out our support guide to see all the supported formula operations.
You can now use record action buttons on collection views across any display format (tables, cards, kanban etc.). Easily turn on existing action buttons that you already created for your record pages. Visibility rules will be respected wherever the action button is displayed.
You can now add conditional roles to your user list setup to vary which role a user gets assigned. For example, if you have agents, clients, leads and vendors all in one table, you no longer have to manually assign their roles - just set up as many conditional roles as you need.
A few weeks ago, we released a major update around grouping records by fields in collection views. Now, you can group by dates as well as single option, text or linked fields.