January 25, 2024

Option field help text, a new image component, and attachment field options

Help Text on Option Fields

Add clarity and context to your Noloco forms. You can now add help text for individual options in single select and multiple select fields!

What's New?

Contextual Help Text: Now, you can add descriptive help text to each option within your single select and multiple select fields. This means you can provide extra details or explanations right where they're needed.

Dynamic & Rich Formatting: Just like other help text fields in Noloco, these new fields support dynamic values and markdown formatting. This allows for a more flexible and interactive user experience.

Why It Matters

Enhanced Understanding: Provide users with immediate explanations for each option, ensuring they make informed choices.

Better Data Quality: Clearer instructions leads to more accurate and relevant data.

Customizable Experience: Leverage dynamic values and markdown to create a tailored and interactive interface.

Adding help text is simple. Just go to your field settings in any form, select a single or multiple select field, and start adding your help text to each option using the cog icon. 

Image Component

A highly anticipated feature that's now part of Noloco's toolkit – the Image Component for record pages and blank pages!

What's New?

You can now add any image to your record pages and blank pages with ease. This new component allows you to incorporate visuals directly from a field or upload an image manually.

Let's say you're managing a real estate app. With the Image Component, you can now add a main photo for a given property directly to each listing. This makes your app more visually engaging and provides a better understanding of each property at a glance.

Layout Options for Attachment Fields

We're thrilled to introduce some fantastic enhancements to how attachment fields are displayed in your Noloco apps.

What's New?

  1. Uniform Look: The default attachment fields now have a more uniform and sleek appearance.
  2. Easy Access: Download attachments right from their thumbnails – something you’ve all been waiting for! Plus, in edit mode, delete attachments directly from the thumbnail itself.
  3. Layout Options: Customize your attachment field display with these fresh layout choices

    Thumbnail: Shows a handy thumbnail view of the attachment.

    : Displays just the file name, for a minimalistic look.

    : Your images are shown in their natural proportions, without a border

    Circle Image
    : Presents your images in a stylish, avatar-like circle
  1. Size Options: Tailor the size of your previews according to your needs. Choose from small, medium, large, or extra-large sizes, ensuring your attachments are displayed perfectly in your app.

Other UX Improvements

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